Pulimak is the perfect spot cleaner you always looked for. It removes stains from fabrics and cloths. Suitable for all kinds of fabrics, carpets, upholstery.
Shake well before using, spray it on the stain from 10 cm distance and let it dry completely to a white powder. Use a brush to remove the residue.
https://www.colliniatomi.it/en/smacchiatore-spray-pulimak-1.html18492Spot cleaner spray Pulimak 1<p>Pulimak is the perfect spot cleaner you always looked for. It removes stains from fabrics and cloths. Suitable for all kinds of fabrics, carpets, upholstery.</p>
<p>Shake well before using, spray it on the stain from 10 cm distance and let it dry completely to a white powder. Use a brush to remove the residue.</p>https://www.colliniatomi.it/pub/media/catalog/product/p/u/pulimak_1_main.jpeg4.575001instock4.583.7500.0049989999999998No000https://www.colliniatomi.it/pub/media/catalog/product/p/u/pulimak_1_main.jpeg/Collini Catalogue/Chemicals and Finishing/Collini Catalogue/Chemicals and Finishing/Detergents and Cleaners/Collini Catalogue/Chemicals and Finishing/Detergents and Cleaners/Detergents/Collini Catalogue/Chemicals and Finishing/Stain Removers/Collini Catalogue/Collini Catalogue/Car care2018-09-25T09:06:07+0000