This cream prevents professional dermatitis and reddening caused by allergizing agents and also guarantees proper skin hygiene during its exposure to irritating WATER-FREE agents, such as: solvents, varnishes, resins, catalysts, greases, hydrocarbons, tar, bitumen, coal, graphite, colourants, glues, inks, etc...
PROTEX protecting creams prevent from dermal absorption of harmful, irritating and dirtying substances, without altering normal transpiration of skin.
They protect also from evaporation of irritating substances.
They contain neither soap nor sensitizing agents.
PROTEX creams are semi-colloidal emulsions.
They do not contain silicone (they do not leave fingerprints and therefore they may be used also by people who work with varnishes, lacquers, etc...).
PROTEXSOL PROFESSIONAL contains high percentages of inorganic greases, which form a film on the skin and, in combination with other product ingredients, reduce epidermis penetrability in order both to prevent the absorption of harmful substances and to make their removal easier while washing.
PROTEXSOL PROFESSIONAL is a white flower-scented cream packaged in 100 ml tubes.
Application fields
maintenance & engineering
mechanical engineering industry (oil-based substances)
car repair shops
metal structural work
doors and windows
building coverings
joiner's shops
body repairers
thermal hydraulics
water and sanitary
Protects from:
oils, grease, lubricants
stubborn dirt
metal dust, graphite, carbon black
varnishes, lacquers, solvents, glue, resin
Method of use
Apply cream on dry and clean skin and let it absorb so that an invisible thin cream layer can be formed, thus avoiding direct contact with substances.
In case of serious aggressions, repeat operation also while working.
Wash hands with hot water, soap and rinse in order to remove protective film at the end of work. Professional protective hand cream (100 ml)<h2>Protexsol professional hand cream</h2>
<p>This cream prevents <strong>professional dermatitis and reddening caused by allergizing agents </strong>and also guarantees proper skin hygiene during its exposure to irritating WATER-FREE agents, such as: solvents, varnishes, resins, <span>catalysts</span>, greases, hydrocarbons, tar, bitumen, coal, graphite, colourants, glues, inks, etc...</p>
<div>PROTEX protecting creams prevent from dermal absorption of harmful, irritating and dirtying substances, without altering normal transpiration of skin.</div>
<div>They protect also from evaporation of irritating substances.</div>
<div>They contain neither soap nor sensitizing agents.</div>
<div>PROTEX creams are semi-colloidal emulsions.</div>
<div>They do not contain silicone (they do not leave fingerprints and therefore they may be used also by people who work with varnishes, lacquers, etc...).</div>
<p><strong>PROTEXSOL PROFESSIONAL</strong> contains high percentages of inorganic greases, which form a film on the skin and, in combination with other product ingredients, reduce epidermis penetrability in order both to prevent the absorption of harmful substances and to make their removal easier while washing.</p>
<p><strong>PROTEXSOL PROFESSIONAL </strong>is a white flower-scented cream packaged in 100 ml tubes.</p>
<p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Application fields</strong></span></p>
<li>maintenance & engineering</li>
<li><span><span class="Apple-converted-space">mechanical engineering industry </span></span>(oil-based substances)</li>
<li>car repair shops</li>
<li>metal structural work</li>
<li>doors and windows</li>
<li>building coverings </li>
<li>joiner's shops </li>
<li><span>body repairers</span></li>
<li>thermal hydraulics</li>
<li>water and sanitary</li>
<p><strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">Protects from:</span></strong></p>
<li>oils, grease, lubricants</li>
<li>stubborn dirt</li>
<li>metal dust, graphite, carbon black</li>
<li>varnishes, lacquers, solvents, glue, resin</li>
<p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Method of use</strong></span></p>
<p>Apply cream on dry and clean skin and let it absorb so that an invisible thin cream layer can be formed, thus avoiding direct contact with substances.</p>
<p>In case of serious aggressions, repeat operation also while working.</p>
<p>Wash hands with hot water, soap and rinse in order to remove protective film at the end of work.</p> Catalogue/Chemicals and Finishing/Collini Catalogue/Chemicals and Finishing/Deodorants and Creams/Collini Catalogue/Chemicals and Finishing/Deodorants and Creams/Shoes Cream/Collini Catalogue2017-10-09T13:49:33+0000